New Mommy

New Mommy

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Family problems...or problems making a family

Chris and I have been talking about kids and starting a family for the last 3 years, more seriously over the last year. I took myself off birth control almost a year ago and nothing has come from it. I was diagnosed with PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) about 3 years ago. PCOS effects insulin and how insulin works, it can lead to diabetes, infertility as well as various kinds of cancer prone to females.
I had my annual pap the other day and my doctor was pissed because I took myself off my meds for PCOS and haven't been eating the way I need to be eating. It is difficult with a husband who is addicted to fast food and carbs and sugar.
So I need to put off the baby making until I lose some weight and eat better and exercise. It will help with ovulation, and prevent gestational diabetes as well as lower my chances for miscarriages.
So I am back on meds and my husband and I are working towards trying to find healthy low-carb high-protein meal options. If anyone out there has any good food options for us or good recipes please let us know.
So not only will this blog be about storm chasing and marriage, it will also be about my weight loss and how it is progressing.
I will go out there and say I will need to lose about 30+ lbs. So my initial goal is to lose 30 lbs.
I will do this by taking my meds, eating right and finding a regular exercise regime.
Day One starts today...and I will track my weight loss here. So far 0 lbs lost.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you and good luck Krista! You will do great. I've also been on a kick of eating healthier. I'll share some reciepes with you and fill you in on what I'm trying to do. It can be done. Baby steps :)
